Browse National Services Scotland
Specialist services
- About specialist services
- About Screening Services
- Advanced interventions
- Brachial plexus injury: adult
- Brachial plexus injury: paediatric
- CAR-T therapy service: adult
- Chest wall deformity: paediatric
- Child inpatient psychiatry
- Cleft lip and palate
- Cochlear implantation: adult and paediatrics
- Complex airways disorder: paediatric
- Complex mesh surgical service
- Congenital heart disease: adult
- Congenital heart disease: paediatric
- Craniofacial service: paediatric
- Deep brain stimulation
- Dialysis: paediatric
- Ear and atresia reconstruction: adult and paediatric
- Epidermolysis bullosa
- Epilepsy surgery: paediatric
- Extra corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) service: adult
- Extra corporeal life support: paediatric
- Genetic and molecular pathology laboratories
- Histopathology external quality assessment scheme
- Hydatidiform mole
- Hyperbaric medicine
- Inherited metabolic disorders: adult and paediatric
- Intensive care: paediatric
- Interventional fetal therapy
- Lutathera for neuroendocrine tumours
- Mental health service for deaf people
- Microbiology reference and specialist laboratories
- Ophthalmic oncology
- Percutaneous mitral valve and related interventions
- Photobiology
- Pre-implantation genetic testing
- Proton beam therapy
- Pulmonary vascular hypertension
- Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection
- Scottish national burns centre
- Scottish national pain management programme
- Scottish national spine service
- Scottish paediatric molecular radiotherapy service
- Solid organ transplantation
- Specialist prosthetics
- Specialist services UK
- Spinal injuries
- Stem cell transplantation: adult
- Stem cell transplantation: paediatric
- Stereotactic radiotherapy
- Supra-renal and thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Therapeutic drug monitoring service
- Trace element and micronutrient diagnostic and research laboratory
- Transcranial doppler and MRI scanning
Specialist healthcare
Commissioning services
National Services Directorate (NSD) works jointly with Scottish Government and NHS Scotland to commission national service.
Specialist services
Ensuring patients with rare conditions or those who have highly specialist needs can access the highest possible standards of care.
Financial risk share
Pooling funding across Scotland's NHS boards to share the cost of expensive therapies for rare disorders.
National networks
Connecting a range of stakeholders to improve and deliver safe, effective healthcare that's designed around patients, carers and families.
National planning
Planning tomorrow’s NHSScotland services today, national planning takes a proactive approach to identifying what healthcare we'll need in the future.
All categories
- Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection
- Blood, tissues and cells
- Countering fraud
- Dental services
- Digital systems and security
- Health facilities
- Legal
- Medical services
- National programmes
- NHS Scotland Assure
- Ophthalmic services
- Patient exemptions
- Patient support schemes
- Pharmacy services
- Procurement and logistics
- Screening Oversight and Assurance Scotland
- Specialist healthcare