Find out all details and summaries of the reimbursed claims from the annual CNORIS report for 2021-2022.
This environmental matrix template document can be used by project teams to record information specific to their project.
Use of ATP bioluminescence and fluorescent markers for decontamination of the healthcare environment and reusable non-invasive patient care equipment.
Information request and response for FOI Reference: FOI – FOI – 2023-000167
Information request and response for FOI Reference: FOI – 2023-000179
The SSNGM Cancer Test Directory contains a list of all services currently available in Scotland.
The Scottish Rare and Inherited Disease Test Directory contains a list of all services currently available in Scotland.
This document details the PSR Act Annual expenditure for financial year 2021-2022.
Information request and response for FOI Reference: FOI – 2023-000152
SIM2301 - NHS Scotland Master Indemnity Agreement: addition and removal of suppliers