SAN(SC)20/05 - Protection of hospital oxygen pipeline systems through managed distribution of oxygen-dependent patients (COVID-19)
SAN(SC)20/04 - Blood control safety cannula & needle thoracostomy for tension pneumothorax
SAN(SC)20/03 - Interruption of high flow nasal oxygen during transfer.
IM/2020/005 - Use of high flow Oxygen therapy devices (including wall CPAP and high flow face mask or nasal oxygen) during the Coronavirus epidemic
(Archived) Scottish Health Facilities Note 01-04 is a user guide for the NACT system which creates a database of cleaning times.
(Archived) Scottish Health Facilities Note 01-01 - National Facilities Monitoring Framework Manual
SAN(SC)20/02 - Ligature and ligature point risk assessment tools and policies.
IM/2020/004 - IRIC Conference and HIE Workshop postponed
IM/2020/001 - BD Neoflon™ Cannula (Straight IV Cannula for paediatric/neonatal use)
Reusable Medical Devices Decontamination Operational Group (RMD-DOG) and the College of Podiatry.