Scottish Health Technical Note 02-02: guidance for those engaged in the planning, delivery and management of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging solutions
Scottish Health Technical Note 02-02 provides guidance for those engaged in the planning, delivery and management of EV charging solutions.
SIM2408 - NHSScotland Master Indemnity Agreement (MIA): removal of suppliers
SIM2407 - NHS National Services Scotland Standard Form of Indemnity
SIM2406 - NHSScotland Master Indemnity Agreement (MIA): removal of suppliers
Hospital sinks &
drains as a source of antimicrobial
resistant microorganisms: studies
to investigate colonisation,
dispersal and decontamination
Research Q&A - AssureResearch21-0003 Water Testing Methodology
AssureResearch21-0003 Water Testing Methodology Final Report
The role of air pressure transients on the spread of bacteria from water trap seals in clinical settings: A laboratory based pilot study. Final Report
Aerosols in Drainage Research Q&A