IM/2020/022 - Regulation of medical devices and in-vitro diagnostic medical devices
SAN(SC)20/07 - Foreign body aspiration during intubation, advanced airway management or ventilation
IM/2020/021 - Changes to IRIC Safety Alerts
IM/2020/020 - Thorough examination and testing of equipment during the coronavirus outbreak
IM/2020/019 - Flosteril FLO-MED-8130 non-sterile gowns do not meet minimum standards for fluid resistance
IM/2020/018 - NSS email migration from NHSmail2 to Office365
IM/2020/017 - Skin creams dried on fabric can lead to fire deaths
IM/2020/016 - Randox test kits
IM/2020/015 - Fire risks for smokers using air mattresses at home
IM/2020/014 - Safe disposal of Allbatteries alkaline 9v batteries - supporting National Procurement recall Ref PR303