Information request and response for FOI Reference: FOI – 2024-000392
SIM2411 - HSE announces inspection campaign of Councils’ management of asbestos.
This index provides a complete list of all HFS Guidance Publications (SHTMs, SHTNs, SHFNs, SHPNs, HBNs, GUIDs)
Scottish Health Technical Note 03-01: NHSScotland waste management guidance.
SIM2410 - Siemens Healthcare SPECT / CT camera: an issue which causes mis-registration of SPECT & CT data may affect clinical evaluation
This SHTM considers the factors influencing the development of sustainable travel planning and car parking management at NHS sites.
SHTM 80: Fire Safety - Model Management provides guidance on fire safety structure, governance and staff competency.
Information request and response for FOI Reference: FOI – 2024-000366
This provides a list of properties which are currently being surveyed across the NHSScotland Estate as part of the RAAC Discovery Survey Programme.
SIM2409 - TURAS e-learning module: Role of the Incident Reporting and Investigation Centre (IRIC)