Describes the methodologies for each of the surveillance programmes that are included in the Quarterly Epidemiological Commentary.
Protocol for National Enhanced Surveillance of Bacteraemia.
Clinical risk assessment (CRA) meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Screening in Scotland.
Report to review NHSGG&C paediatric haemato-oncology data and investigate the suspected increase in environmental Gram-negative blood cultures.
Report provides information relating to antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance in a range of human and animal infections in Scotland.
Provides actions to be followed when considering bringing animals into health and social care settings
Describes the infections from January to December 2018 for 22 adult intensive care units and specialist in Scotland.
Describes the infections from January to December 2017 for 22 adult intensive care units and specialist in Scotland.
Management (including decontamination) of dental unit waterlines (DUWLs) for the prevention of HAI
Describes updates to the methodology for the surveillance of ventilator associated pneumonia in intensive care units.