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Guidance - draft for public consultation

Sustainable Design and Construction (SDaC) Guide (SHTN 02-01) - Draft for Public Consultation

Published on 03 March 2025

From: NHSScotland Assure

NHSScotland guide and tool for the delivery of Scottish Government Sustainability targets.



This Guide is NHSScotland's response to Scottish Government’s climate emergency declarations and related national commitments. It details the process and various approaches, actions plus considerations required to deliver sustainable performance outcomes, with additional supporting standards, signposting to good practice case studies and reference to a number of leading industry frameworks, methodologies and detailed sustainability targets.

As part of our ongoing programme of developing a range of briefing, planning, building, engineering and technical guidance publications, we are launching an updated version of SHTN 02-01 for consultation. The Sustainable Design and Construction (SDaC) Guide was launched in October 2021, with minor changes in 2023 to address some format and function issues with the Toolkit and provide clarity on intended scope and use in light of DL (2022) 27. This review is more comprehensive and has been designed to:

  • streamline the guidance by removing some of the more rudimentary scene setting from previous versions
  • simplify the use of the guidance by providing clarity on use for varying scopes
  • provide clarity on requirements by simplifying the language and formatting of the document
  • support NHS boards in setting targets for whole life carbon (WLC) and energy use intensity (EUI)
  • reduce the amount of signposting to other documents/ toolkits.

The full consultation, including draft toolkit, will be formally issued on the 10th March, and we will be looking for comments to be returned from all interested parties by Friday 4th April 2025 using the Consultation Comments Form.

Click here to see the current version of this Guidance.