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Access Scottish Government circulars (PCA)

Published on 25 October 2024

Scottish Government circulars (PCA) publications

You can read the latest PCA publications on the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates website.


  • General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) remuneration uplifts
  • Community Glaucoma Service (CGS) remuneration uplifts
  • Pre-registration trainee optometrist supervisor grant uplift and claims process
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) allowance amounts
  • First port of call responsibility
  • Winter flu and COVID-19 vaccinations


  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) allowance claim process
  • Tests and procedures for General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) eye examinations
  • Record keeping for GOS(S)4 NHS optical vouchers
  • Mpox
  • Provision of NHS email accounts
  • Data sharing for Scottish Collaborative Optometry-Ophthalmology Network e-research (SCONe) project
  • Migration to the BT Scottish Wide Area Network (SWAN)


  • CGS rollout update
  • Cohort 4 for the NHS Education for Scotland Glaucoma Award Training (NESGAT) qualification;
  • NESGAT cohort 4 application process;
  • Timeline associated with NESGAT cohort 4 applications;
  • CGS Minimum Data Set;
  • Transition to digitised solution for CGS claims.


  • 'Eyes' website changes;
  • Community Glaucoma Service patient risk stratification guidance;
  • NHS Low Income Scheme online application trial.


  • Increase NHS optical voucher values from 1 April 2024;
  • Changes to legislation for GOS that will come into effect from 1 April 2024.


Advice and updates on:

  • Proposed change to submission period for GOS(S)1 eye examination payment claims
  • GOS(S)4 NHS optical voucher approval arrangements
  • Revised NHS Waiting Times Guidance
  • Recorded webinar regarding undergraduate optometry degree changes
  • Monitoring of patients using hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine
  • Patient signposting during festive period


This Circular provides updated guidance aimed at both community optometry and community pharmacy teams and an updated referral form for the assessment and treatment of minor eye conditions.


Advice on:

  • New Directions for the CGS; The Optometry Enhanced Services (Community Glaucoma Service) (Scotland) Directions 2023;
  • Uplifts to fees for the CGS with effect from 1 April 2023;
  • An update in relation to the rollout of the CGS across Scotland;
  • An update in relation to the application process for registration within the CGS;
  • Practice Inspection requirements for the CGS;
  • CGS Amendment/Withdrawal Forms;
  • Alternative Glaucoma Qualifications and the process for “NESGAT Equivalence”;
  • An update on NESGAT cohorts three and four;
  • An update on the interface between GOS and the CGS.


Advice and updates on a number of important areas including:

  • Uplifts to General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) and Community Glaucoma Service (CGS) fees;
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) allowances;
  • Pre-registration trainee optometrist supervisor grant;
  • Reintroduction of Patient Signatures for GOS and NHS optical vouchers


  • Increase in NHS optical voucher values;
  • CGS application process in NHS Lanarkshire.


Advice and updates on a number of important areas including:

  • CGS Application process


  • Patient signposting over holiday period
  • Homeless patients
  • Winter COVID-19 and flu vaccines
  • Data sharing for SCONe project
  • Health marketing campaigns
  • Eyes.Scot Website

PCA(O)2022(06) Community Glaucoma Service (CGS):

  • Establishment of the CGS;
  • CGS National Roll-Out Plan;
  • Cohort 3 for the NHS Education for Scotland Glaucoma
  • Award Training (NESGAT) qualification;
  • CGS Application Process.


  • GOS eye examinations fees increase
  • Supplementary eye examination reason codes 2.7/4.7 and 3.0 amendments
  • Supplementary eye examinations undertaken using remote facilities
  • Continuing Professional Development allowance for optometrists and ophthalmic medical practitioners
  • Pre-registration trainee optometrist supervisor grant
  • Reminder about wearing of Fluid Resistant Surgical Masks


  • The launch of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) allowance claims process for appropriate CPD undertaken by optometrists and ophthalmic medical practitioners (OMPs) in 2021;
  • An end to the mandatory wearing of Fluid Resistant Surgical Masks (FRSM) at all times in domiciliary settings;
  • A pause in asymptomatic Lateral Flow Device (LFD) testing for health and social care work workers;
  • Winter COVID-19 and flu vaccines for frontline health and social care workers;
  • NHS medication prescribing;
  • A reminder about staff wellbeing support available through the National Wellbeing Hub.


  • This Memorandum advises on changes to legislation for GOS and NHS optical vouchers in Scotland that comes into effect on 1 July 2022.


  • This Memorandum advises on a new ventilation enhancement grant for community optometry practice premises.

For further information please visit the Frequently Asked Questions (updated 08/03/2022) on the Eyes.Scot website.


  • GOS eye examination fees increase
  • Update to Respiratory Infections in Health and Care Settings Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Addendum


  • Updated guidance for both community optometry and community pharmacy teams
  • Optometry-Pharmacy referral form for the assessment and treatment of minor eye conditions
  • Updated list of eye products available for supply under NHS PFS


  • New physical distancing requirements in health and social care settings
  • New guidance regarding isolation exemptions for health and social care staff
  • Clarification regarding wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 contact tracing
  • Staff wellbeing support
  • 31 October 2021 mandatory training deadline for all GOS practitioners


  • Update on physical distancing requirements in health and social care settings
  • Revised Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) guidance – environmental cleaning and waste disposal
  • Continuing Education and Training (CET) allowance for optometrists and ophthalmic medical practitioners (OMPs)
  • Pre-registration trainee supervisor grant
  • Eyes.Scot website public beta launch
  • Community optometry practice poster.


  • Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) guidance
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) funding
  • Staff Wellbeing
  • Workforce Specialist Service
  • £500 non-consolidated payment – claims for locums and sessional paid staff
  • Patient / Patient Representative Signatures
  • Patient Exemption Checking.


  • Update on Ophthalmic List removal for non-provision of GOS
  • Reminder regarding participation in the lateral flow device testing programme
  • Update on financial support for practice premises and mobile practices.


  • Update on opening hours for practice premises
  • Update on financial support for community optometry practice premises and mobile practices.


  • Update on the transition to the pull model of PPE ordering – NHS Borders, NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
  • Update on financial support for practice premises, mobile practices and peripatetic services provision.


  • One off Non-Consolidated bonus payment to all NHS and social care staff
  • Frequently asked questions to support this PCA.


  • Recourse available to NHS Boards where there is an allegation of a breach of the Terms of Service of the NHS (General Ophthalmic Services) (Scotland) Regulations 2006, as amended
  • 2021 GOS mandatory training requirements – cut-off date for completion
  • Update on the transition to the ‘pull’ PPE ordering model
  • Funding arrangements for PPE provision to community optometry in Scotland
  • Arrangements for financial support in relation to practice closures.


  • Community eye care services in Level 4 areas in Scotland following the new COVID-19 regulations which came into effect on 5 January 2021
  • Financial support for optometry practices
  • Progress update on the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccinations to all optical practice staff
  • Reminder about key worker status for optical practice staff
  • Update on PPE, including the transition to a “pull” self-ordering model.


  • Continued adherence to infection prevention and control measures by community optometry
  • Financial support model for mobile practices
  • Link to SHOW website
  • Charging of additional fees or offering of inducements to GOS patients
  • Appropriate use of the ‘look up’ function within eOphthalmic
  • 2021 GOS mandatory training module.


  • Agreed fees for participation in the COVID-19 vaccination programme
  • Advance notice of plans to shift to a 'pull' model for PPE provision to practices.


  • 'First port of call’ responsibility during the festive period
  • Revised financial support arrangements for practice premises
  • Financial support arrangements for mobile practices and peripatetic service providers.


  • Information for community optometry teams about the NHS Pharmacy First Scotland (NHS PFS) service
  • Guidance aimed at both community optometry and community pharmacy teams
  • Referral form for the assessment and treatment of minor eye conditions.


  • Remobilisation of face-to-face peripatetic eye care, subject to certain conditions being met
  • Financial support arrangements for peripatetic providers
  • Ongoing provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).


  • Update on COVID-19 – Scotland’s Strategic Framework
  • Supply and usage of NHS Scotland PPE
  • Update on the position regarding GOS(S)1 ‘cheque book’ forms
  • Clarification on the issuing of a written prescription or statement following an eye examination
  • Issue of GOS(S)3 forms for use by patients with an alternative supplier
  • Retention of GOS(S)3 and GOS(S)4 optical voucher forms.


  • Reminder regarding the ‘first port of call’ responsibility to manage patients with an emergency eye problem
  • Resumption of routine eye care services provided within day centres and residential centres (including care homes) from 7 September 2020, subject to certain conditions being met
  • Reminder regarding the current submission arrangements for GOS(S)1, GOS(S)3, GOS(S)4, HES(S)1, HES(S)3 and HES(S)4 claims, including remote consultations.


  • Reminder for practices in relation to infection control and patient safety
  • Revised financial support arrangements for practice premises
  • Financial support arrangements for mobile practices
  • Financial support arrangements for new practices and for changes in ownership of existing practices
  • Ongoing provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).


  • Reminder about mandatory training requirements for optometrists and ophthalmic medical practitioners (OMP) providing GOS
  • The allowance values, criteria and claims process for Continuing Education and Training undertaken by optometrists and OMPs in 2019
  • Pre-registration trainee supervisor grant amount and claims process for trainee optometrists taken on or after 1 April 2020.


  • Routine eye care services (including primary eye examinations) can be provided within community optometry practice premises and in patients’ own homes from Monday 3 August 2020, subject to certain conditions being met
  • Financial support arrangements set out in PCA(O)2020(11) will continue to be provided at the current time, pending a review of this support which will be communicated in due course
  • Continued temporary suspension of the requirement for patient or patient representative signatures on the GOS(S)1 ‘cheque book’ slip and GOS(S)3, GOS(S)4, HES(S)1, HES(S)3 and HES(S)4 forms
  • in line with the wider remobilisation of community eye care services in Scotland, NHS boards may consider resuming practice inspections, where they deem that this can be carried out safely.


  • Details for community optometry in relation to Phase 3 of the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 Recovery Route map
  • Reminder about the 15 July 2020 deadline for submission of ‘Part 2’ payment claims for activity during Lockdown and Phase 1
  • Financial support and activity submission arrangements during Phase 3
  • Clarification regarding intra-referrals
  • Continued temporary suspension of the requirement for patient or patient Representative signatures on the GOS(S)1 ‘cheque book’ slip and GOS(S)3, GOS(S)4, HES(S)1, HES(S)3 and HES(S)4 forms.


  • Community optometry practice premises may resume providing face-to-face emergency and essential eye care services from Monday 29 June 2020, subject to certain conditions being met
  • Emergency Eyecare Treatment Centres ceasing to operate after 28 June 2020
  • Practice declaration form which all practice premises owners and Part 1 contractors must complete and return to the local health board, once the criteria in the form have been met
  • New financial support and payment claims arrangements;
  • Continued temporary suspension of the requirement for patient or patient representative signatures on the GOS(S)1 ‘cheque book’ slip and GOS(S)3, GOS(S)4, HES(S)1, HES(S)3 and HES(S)4 forms.
  • Complete attached declaration form in connection with PCA(O)2020(10) and email to your local NHS board ophthalmic listing contact. The necessary contacts can be found in this document.


  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that a practice premises must have before it can resume providing face-to-face NHS emergency and essential eye care, and PPE waste disposal arrangements
  • Supply of NHS-provided PPE to community optometry practice premises ahead of the resumption of face-to-face NHS emergency and essential eye care.


  • Continuation of financial support for community optometry
  • Emergency dispensing and the submission of claims
  • Coding accuracy in respect of emergency or essential eye care
  • Amendment to eSchedules
  • Update to the Community Eye Care website.


  • Revised Health Protection Scotland guidance and Personal Protective Equipment requirements
  • Emergency Eyecare Treatment Centres
  • Emergency dispensing; submission of eOphthalmic claims
  • Conditions for continued eligibility to receive financial support from the Scottish Government
  • Miscellaneous other updates.


  • New arrangements for all face-to-face contact between patients and community eye care practitioners
  • PPE requirements, the establishment of designated EETCs and PPE supply for EETCs
  • New arrangements for emergency and essential domiciliary eye care provision
  • Clarifies COVID-19 key worker status for the community optical sector
  • Financial support for some self-employed individuals.


  • Information on the provision of emergency or essential community eye care during the additional coronavirus (COVID-19) social distancing measures announced on Monday 23 March 2020
  • Clarification on aspects of the financial support measures introduced in PCA(O)2020(4) and provides an update on emergency dispensing
  • Confirmation that community optometrists are to be considered 'Category 2' workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Further guidance on key workers and access to childcare provision
  • Practice-specific queries about the financial support measures should be emailed to:
  • Any other enquiries arising from this memorandum should be emailed to:


  • Suspension of all routine community eye care services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the move to providing only emergency and essential eye care
  • Financial measures to help support community optometry practices in Scotland and also other important COVID-19 related information and updates.


  • COVID-19: Domiciliary Eyecare Services and practice inspections
  • Important information relating to the provision of domiciliary eyecare services
  • Guidance to NHS boards regarding practice inspections.