About NHS Scotland Assure
Published on 23 February 2022
NHS Scotland Assure exists to improve how we manage risk in the healthcare built environment across Scotland. Managing risk in the right way gives those involved in maintaining NHS buildings, facilities and equipment confidence and reassurance.
As a new service, Assure aims to be recognised across the world as a national centre for reducing risks in the healthcare built environment. The service will ensure safety, fitness for purpose, cost effectiveness and capability to deliver sustainable services.
Who is Assure for?
NHS Scotland Assure and its services will be for all NHS health and care environments where healthcare is delivered. It will cover the full lifecycle of a build, from strategic assessment, building operations and ongoing maintenance, to decommissioning.
What will Assure do?
NHS Scotland Assure will consider all types of risk as they relate to the built environment.
NHS Scotland Assure will not:
- address or seek to change legal responsibilities of NHS Boards or primary legislation
- create a Central Building Division as NHS Boards need to remain accountable for their projects and current estate. Doing this would mean that accountability would move from boards to a central function, and this would need legal changes
- address non NHS Healthcare environments e.g. private dental practices
- develop an inspection function. We recognise the synergy with the inspectorate and will connect and underpin inspections through the provision of intelligence and subject matter expertise.
Get in touch
Contact us to find out more about how NHS Scotland Assure can help your projects.