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NSS Social Media – Acceptable Use

Acceptable Use Statement for NSS Social Media

NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) maintains social media profiles across multiple platforms to keep stakeholders and the public informed about our work and contributions within NHSScotland. NSS also uses these platforms to promote key public health messages for the benefit of the citizens and communities we serve.

We adhere to the rules and guidelines of each social media platform and uphold the values of NHSScotland. We expect users interacting with our profiles to show the same level of courtesy.

Our social media accounts and spaces are to be a safe space for all and messages will be removed and/or comments disabled, should we believe any users interacting with our accounts, are:

  • Being deceptive, misleading, or spreading misinformation
  • Being abusive/ distasteful/using obscene language
  • Sharing messages that are unlawful, libellous, defamatory, abusive, racially offensive, harmful, obscene, or sexually orientated
  • In violation of any copyright or intellectual property rights
  • In violation of any law or regulation
  • Overly persistent in posting the same – or even negative - information (spamming)
  • Impersonating someone else
  • Advertising products of services
  • Promoting NHSScotland products or services without joint-agreement with NSS / NHSScotland.

Should we suspect any interactions to fall into the above categories, we will take appropriate actions needed to ensure a safe space. This can include accounts being blocked, and/or reported to the associated social media platform.

Raising a query

Any users who wish to raise a query with NHS National Services Scotland, will also be encouraged to enquire via the following routes: